
The Implants Procedure

If you are interested in receiving dental implants, we will first take digital and panoramic x-rays of your jawbone. In order to be a good candidate for implants, patients must have sufficient jawbone density to support the embedded posts. Placement of your dental implants will be performed by an experienced oral surgeon, and we can provide a temporary restoration for you to wear during your recovery. After the implants have integrated with your jawbone, we will attach your crown, bridge, or denture firmly in place. By carefully planning each step of your treatment as a team, we can achieve beautiful results.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are considered to be the best treatment for patients with missing teeth because they provide many benefits that simply cannot be matched by other restorative procedures. Implant-supported restorations are held in place by artificial tooth roots, rather than clasps or dental adhesives, so they will not slip out of position. Furthermore, patients receiving implant-supported restorations will not need to have healthy teeth reshaped.

Implant-supported restorations also sit directly against your gums, so many patients believe they provide the most lifelike look and feel. One of the most significant benefits of dental implants is an overall improvement in your oral health. After experiencing tooth loss, the surrounding area of the jawbone will begin to atrophy, or shrink. By fusing with the bone, dental implants return stimulation to the jaw to help prevent jaw recession and further tooth loss.

Contact Us to Learn More

Dental implants have helped millions of patients with missing teeth restore the strength and function of their smiles. Contact Bestdent Dental Clinic today to schedule a consultation and learn more.

If you feel self-conscious about minor imperfections in your smile, composite veneers may be an excellent solution for you.

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